lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Money or Happiness?

Money can take you places and get you things, but there are things that money cannot buy. Among many other things, these include happiness, friendship, and love. People often think that if they have money, then they have the solution to all of his or her problems. It can have drawbacks, however, such as drawing unwanted attention from people who are more concerned with the wealth than the well-being of the person possessing it.

The priorities one places on where to spend money is based on individual preferences. For example, if I had enough money to buy either a watch or to attend a concert of my choosing, I would have to weigh my options. I am a musician, so I would naturally lean towards choosing the concert. I am also aware of the practical use of a watch, as well as the long term investment of the money spent on it.

I try not to put too much importance on material goods, but that does not stop me from appreciating and enjoying what I have. With that in mind, I place more importance on the people that I surround myself with in life. These people are more important than money or things, because their friendships will last forever and be worth more than cash ever could be. With this philosophy, of choosing people who know my worth as well as I know theirs, has led me to meeting good people. These people turn into friends that I know I can trust, who will be there for me, and are worth interacting with.

Back to the original topic, of acquiring a watch or attending a concert. A quality watch could fund several concert trips, so my choice would be to gather up my loved ones and take them to the concerts with me. With this, I'll buy memories and happiness, not just a watch to sit on my wrist.

In the end, the legacy you leave behind is the memories others have of you. Their memories of the kind of person you were, the things you did, and the people you let into your life. The material possessions you had will not matter and will be forgotten in time. This is why, people should consider if their material wealth is really worth it, really so important. Thinking about this can help to lead a person down the right path