miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

My "Career week"

Honestly, I never thought that this was going to help me this much when it comes to be completely certain about what to study after highachool. I was actually having a hard time a few days before this activity, since i didn't knew what I wanted exactly. But that feeling didn't last long. a few days before vacations started, my mom told me that I already had a place at my step-dad's office.
He's a lawyer and he has his own firm. At first i wasn't excited at all, because I wasn't sure if laws was really my thing, but vacations came, and so did my first day of work. The first impression when I walked inside the office was that absolutely everyone was wearing a suit, and I was the only one with jeans.
But talking about the actual work, I was lucky, since my step-brother was working there as well, and that actually helped me a lot, since I had someone who could explain all the things I didn't understand. So my first task was just to help my step-brother in whatever he was doing, and so I did. He explained to me that all the paperwork he had on his desk where actions from different businesses and industries. and that his assignament was to verify that all the information that they had was the correct one. The first thought that it came to my mind after the first day was "if this is what i'm going to do every day, this is definitly not for me.." The first days where pretty much the same, and we fallowed the same routine for 3 days straight. When I was almost a hundred percent sure that laws was defenitly not my career, we finally got another assignament, and this one actually involved other things besides office work. I had the chance to see how a Lawyer tries to find an exit using the laws on his advantage. and also to see things in a slightly different perspective. They gave me an example that made a lot of sense to me and that was, to see the laws as the rules of the game, the better you know the rules, the faster you'll understand the game, and therefore, you'll win.
By the end of the week, I was sattisfied with all the work I did. and i came to the conclution that laws is a very pretty career, and that the most probable thing is that I'll be studing that the next year.

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